
Club Spotlight: Worcester Rugby (COVID Edition)

It is a challenging time for all of our clubs to try and stay as active and as involved as they can without physically being back out on the pitch. However that hasn’t stopped any of them from trying! Let’s take a closer look at our Worcester Men’s Rugby Club who have been busy making a positive impact in their community. 

In speaking with WRFC’s Vice President, Nate Fournier, the men have been involved with the Regional Environmental Council (REC) and Urban Garden Resources of Worcester (UGROW) programs. This is a nonprofit organization helping to create food security by growing food in urban gardens, providing disadvantaged communities with fresh and nutritious local food. They started in 1995 and have since established over 60 community gardens throughout the city! The men have made themselves available whenever they are called upon to get out there and dig, plant, water and do whatever else needs to be done to create these gardens! 

Additionally, Nate continues the dream of bringing gardening to more people with his new business HomeHarvest™ Central MA. This is an edible landscaping and construction company, transforming underutilized grass spaces into abundant ecosystems with vegetable gardens, fruit trees, and beautiful perennial flower gardens. They seek to help people find a connection with gardening, see the benefits of watching their hard work grow, being able to self-sustain and impact the ecosystem in a positive way. 

WRFC has a lot of enthusiasm for the cause but they are far from done and look forward to building a long lasting relationship with REC and UGROW in the years to come.”

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